Sales Networking with Your Business Posse.
As a business owner you make huge efforts participating in boards, associations, and sales networking meetings of all types. Sometimes in group settings and sometimes just simple one on one facetime lunches or cups of coffee somewhere. A good thing. With that said, however, I would guess most of you are missing some of your best sales networking, lead generation, opportunities and don’t even realize it. Let me explain.
Sales networking and your business posse.
Starting my new business in web design I thought it made sense to work with a CPA. I reached out to a friend I’ve known for years and made the appointment. At my first meeting he made it clear that he was already engaged with another web designer at this time. I guess he felt he needed to clear the air. I immediately dropped the subject and proceeded with the task at hand.
Months later, however, I realized I had made a mistake. While I couldn’t get his business immediately he sure and heck had plenty of business customers he could recommend. With this new found direction I made sure every meeting going forward I talked about how my web design business was different. How I could be the answer to small businesses (budget and hand holding) he was working with. How I would reciprocate networking for him. He bit and leads started to flow.
Is your business posse helping you with leads?
I also realized I needed to do this with everyone I was doing business with! My business posse needed to help me with leads.
While this seems pretty elementary to an experienced sales professional, I’m finding that most business owners don’t necessarily understand what I did. They deal day in and day out with their business posse never getting leads from their base and new clients. They find asking for this awkward many times. Do you?
I worked for a company that had been in existence for almost 50 years. Going over lead development for the company I asked how they were handling all the leads they were getting from their business posse? “Well we don’t really get that many, if any.”, was their sheepish reply.
Note: While all businesses have a different set of business partners the main players would be bankers, accountant, vendors, mentors and so on. Who do you do your advertising with? Marketing materials? Office equipment? These folks can help you with leads!
Do the right thing for your business, ask for leads!
It is not difficult to ask for leads. The recipient will not be shocked and appalled you asked, I promise. Simply state that you want to do business with those that either do business with you or at the very least can give you some leads over time. You’ve earned the right to ask this as one of their customers!
I would even go so far as to evaluate who you are partnering with and make sure they have all your best business growth interests in mind. They need to understand what you do and why you’re different. If you’re going to do business with them they need to reciprocate. It is how successful businesses leap ahead of their competition. Everyone they come in contact with is a potential lead source for you or should be.
Take the time and connect with your entire business posse to make sure they know what you do and how your services could either benefit them directly, their existing customers, or potential clients. Ask for leads, you have the right to do so.