one on one

Are One on Ones Necessary or Waste of Time?

Every sales team I have ever managed has had scheduled weekly one on ones. Not without resistance mind you. They think it’s a waste of time initially. Another “meeting” and “change”. But after a month or so these same soothsayers are the very ones that get mad if you miss or delay “their time”.

One on ones are a time for you to get to know your team and each individual personally. You should do more listening than talking. Go over their forecasts and metrics but also discuss any issues they are having with others and/or with you. It is important that the conversation be open and honest.

Keep the meetings short with an agenda. This is a great time to go over their Sales Success Plans. Discuss their activity and ask them if they’re happy with it. Question their networks and networking activity.

One of my sales people came to me so frustrated that she wanted to quit. Her activity was impressive. But her sales were dismal at best. She was working hard with no success. After a few weeks of analyzing her activity we decided that she needed to actually slow down the activity and focus on specific leads and opportunities. Within weeks she had turned her numbers around significantly. This success came from weekly one on ones.

What is the correct frequency of one on ones?
I have had the most effectiveness with weekly one on ones. With that said I try not to schedule one on ones on the last week of the month. Frustrations with having to reschedule due to end of the month closing activity just wasn’t worth the hassle.

Who should initiate the one-on-ones?
One on ones are often initiated by the leader, but it does not have to be this way. It is not unusual to have the salesperson and not the manager schedule in some environments.

Ask for self assessment.
Let them explain what they feel they need to do to improve. This is the time to listen and shut up.

Give your feedback.
Take notes and send a follow-up email to confirm what was agreed to.

Focus on action.
Ask your sales person to report and summarize what they felt they agreed to.

Accountability weekly can be difficult. But it’s crucial in managing a successful team. One on ones are definitely necessary.

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

3 thoughts on “Are One on Ones Necessary or Waste of Time?

  1. Hey Chris,

    Excellent post. How long would you suggest these one on one’s last and how often? We do one hour every other week at our firm and it seems like a lot of the times, the meeting is cannibalized by my boss’s agenda of what he wants to go over rather than me explaining my week. Giving feedback to your superior on how these meetings are conducted seems difficult. What would suggest?

    • I suggest weekly for around half an hour. More or less depending on employee. You should make it their meeting with some direction if needed.

  2. Hey Chris,

    Excellent post. How long do you believe the one on one’s should be? Also, I’ve found sometimes with my boss, one on one’s are just an opportunity for my boss to get what he wants off on his chest and not a time for me discuss how my week has gone. How would you suggest giving feedback to the person initiating the one on ones?

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