
Build a Powerful Executive Summary.

I’m in a meeting and we’re going through a thorough needs analysis. Taking notes frantically in my trusty Moleskine notebook, I realize my hieroglyphic scratchings would need to be presented later and hopefuly agreed upon. Focusing on the later I make sure my notes include their wants and haves and can be presented simple and easy later. Not an easy task to be sure. Once finished I walk away feeling secure in my information gathering. One problem however. I have no clue what to do with this newly gleaned information that would help me close the deal. How do I present, compel, for the most impact to win the sale? After years of trial and error this is what I found that works.

Executive Summary and Agenda – Easy Three Steps

STEP ONE: (The first agree) Right after the meeting I would debrief, compare notes, put together a summary of what was discussed, and email this information to the potential client for their review. The client was always impressed with my understanding of their needs which increased my credibility with them. Once they agreed that my notes accurately represented their wants and must haves, I now had the information necessary to win the deal. Powerful stuff!

“It takes one hour of preparation for each minute of presentation time.” – Wayne Burgraff

STEP TWO: (The second agree) In preparing for the presentation I would build a solution (proposal) prior to. In an effort to make these proposals more impactful I would integrate the original emailed summary (and additional information gleaned) as part of the proposal executive summary. I would write the summaries and solutions in terms the customer could understand and see a real value in reinforcing my credibility.

STEP THREE: (The third agree) Taking this a step further… I would take this very same information and make it the agenda for the meeting to “show” real solutions focused on their needs. As I discussed their solution (based on the original summary), step by step, I would drive this home with a presentation laser focused to the information discussed and now shown. Nothing was general but was specific to their business needs. It was a hit in every case.

“A theme is a memory aid, it helps you through the presentation just as it also provides the thread of continuity for your audience.” – Dave Carey

Special Note: One of the huge values to this system is my sales professionals really didn’t have to be “super closers” at all. This process would get the customer to agree on the solution multiple times prior to asking for the signature. A true win-win with no real perceived pressure.

I can’t strongly recommend enough how powerful this can be in any sales endeavor. This system will actually save you time in the long run. It streamlines the process, laser focuses the solution, and the customer knows you understand their pains and needs. Take some time on building real summaries.

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

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