Highs and Lows of Sales.

Highs and Lows of Sales.

If you’re like most sales professionals you’re a workaholic. The highs and lows of sales is ever present. While you might not be in the office all the time… you’re taking emails, text messages, answering phone calls, and/or working on your home PC around the clock. I will have at least 3 different projects going on at any one time. This is the minimum requirement to make it anymore, right? Companies don’t think in terms of an 8 to 5 employee/manager. Most managers and owners are expecting this of themselves as well. It’s a tough market and you need to put in the time. For some the cost can be high however.

Getting Promoted

Are You Getting Promoted?

Many times companies fill executive and management positions from outside the company and not promote from within. They are convinced that their chances of success rests with “new blood” hires. Fresh perspectives and action items are the elements they are looking for. These outside hires are not labeled with past issues and same thinking stereotyping. So much for getting promoted from within.

change stripes

It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Stripes.

Waking up every morning feeling like someone ran over me with a truck, I would mumble to myself, “Why am I not retired and sleeping in!”. Here I was in my late 50’s working 12 to 14 hour days and quite honestly a little burnt out on what I was doing. I pop in the shower and then caffeinate a little in an effort to put that negativity aside. Sound familiar? It was time to change my stripes.


How to Motivate. You can’t.

We are all trying to stay motivated, motivating others, right? Training, meetings, one on ones, rewards, bonuses, spiffs and the list goes on. We even go to the negative with imposed pressure, tensions and ultimatums to motivate. How has that worked for you? Long-term? If you’re like me it didn’t. I needed to change something. Was it me or them? And then it hit me… everyone is already motivated.