cold calling

Cold Calling is Dead – Foot Blitz!

In today’s market environment it’s more important than ever that we get in front of potential customers. If you track your activity you know that you’re having to increase prospecting two to three times the amount normal to be successful. There is so much fear, uncertainty and doubt that it’s difficult for any business to easily make a purchase decision. On top of that… the businesses that are forging ahead are being inundated with solicitations through the phone (cold calling) and email of which they normally respond “not now”. What can you do different than everyone else?

Cold Calling is Dead – Foot-Blitz!

Truthfully, true cold calling has been dead for eons. This new mantra is a little bit of a misnomer in my opinion. To prospect without researching and preparing has always been a waste of time. To randomly call on anyone that can “fog a mirror” is of course nuts. You should always have a purpose and a focused direction in any prospecting endeavor you take on. Intelligent foot blitzing (not random door-knocking) can give you that edge over your competition in today’s market challenges. It can give you that personal touch needed to put a potential client at ease quickly that you could never have accomplished with a phone call or email.

“Anytime you do something out-of-the-box, something different, your prospects will remember you every single time that you call!”

Why Foot Blitz? I can explain this in three words: Timing is everything. To be at the right place at the right time is difficult. How do you do this? It’s simple actually… you have to get out and meet with people. The more businesses you meet with… the better the odds are of being there at the right time.

One of the ways you can accomplish this is to foot blitz. Unfortunately, this type of prospecting strikes fear in most salespeople. Let me share with you my “tried and true” foot blitzing program and let’s get rid of any reservations you might have.

Let’s Foot Blitz!

1. Get in front of prospects no less than 3 times. DO NOT SKIP THIS!

  • Visit #1 – WARM: With foot blitzing you have 15 seconds to hook them! What’s your remarkable message?
  • Visit #2 – WARMER: There is a good chance that the client will remember you.
  • Visit #3 – HOT: They may reward your persistence by giving you a brief meeting to present your offering. Presentation ready? You have one shot!

2. You need to prepare. Challenge yourself to hit 10-20 doors within 2-3 hours per day, 2 days a week minimum! Expect 2-3 appointments that week and if that’s not happening, review your remarkable message.

6 items needed to keep from randomly cold calling:

  • Focus on a vertical market.
  • Research like size companies in the area.
  • Choose a building and/or area and make it yours.
  • Have an enticing offer.
  • Partner and get introduced to potential clients.
  • Have ready references – Name drop.

Advantage: You will have the advantage over the person who is cold calling (phone and/or email) the same business. The customer will feel they know you now and can trust you more than a voice on the phone.

Example: “Ms. Smith you aren’t even my customer yet, and I came to see you and talked with you three times. Can you imagine how much better I will take care of you once you become a customer?”

3. It pays to be persistent. The most successful salespeople are the ones who impose strict rules and rigid schedules on themselves. Big hitters will tell you that the bulk of their sales came at the end of the day, after 20+ doors, when most people would already have quit. The more people you visit the more sales you will make. It’s all about timing!

Quick Tip: Treat the potentially small customer the same as the potentially large customer. You never actually know the size of the opportunity until you close the deal.

Remember: Smile, project confidence and energy regardless of how many NO’s you have already encountered. The next one most likely is the YES you were looking for!

Purposeful, planned foot blitzing can really help in an insecure market. The advantage over a cold phone call or email is huge! When the weather is too hot or maybe too cold… what an advantage you will have over your “rainy day” competitors. Take control of your prospecting by adding this powerful program. Timing is everything and you can make the timing right!

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

7 thoughts on “Cold Calling is Dead – Foot Blitz!

  1. Spot On!! The “gatekepper” will tell you far more in person than on the telephone! When you walk in look around the office, it could tell you plenty about the potential client. Thanks Chris!!!!

  2. Great article. Thanks Chris. I love hitting the pavement over calls and emails. My entire career it’s always been more effective over the long haul. The “thrill of the hunt.”

  3. I enjoy the face-to-face that comes from the cold calling you just described. I have had many successes resulting from that initial visit. Sometimes it may take several months, but the fact that you took time to visit with them is remembered. I had a positive experience today that resulted in a commitment to do business with me and an opportunity for me to walk through his business and learn from his as he proudly told me what he has accomplished. It is fun…

    • lvbankerpro… I couldn’t agree more. Business owners love to talk about their accomplishments and business. Just being a good listener will give you the edge many times. Good Luck!

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