
Motivation through Profanity.

Isn’t cursing by a manager, CEO, employee, or even a small business owner simply showing that they’re passionate about their work? That the use of profanity enforces needed emphasis and motivation to others? Many think so… What do you think?

How did you feel when in a meeting, in a one on one, or just overhearing a supervisor using foul language to drive a point home? Did it really do that?

Unfortunately over the years I have been in meeting after meeting where this goes on. Many times escalating to belittling an individual or group of individuals. Negativity at it’s extreme.

At one of my employers I unfortunately witnessed this a few times. One instance stands out from the rest. There was a mistake made on a deal that infuriated the owner. He literally walked up and down the halls where the sales team had their offices and f-bombed everyone in his anger. Totally out of control. After cooling down… He came to me later and asked if he was wrong in getting his point across.

I explained that using foul language never really helps getting the “point across”. “Cursing and belittling the staff coming from someone of authority has a much more negative impact than you can imagine.” I further explained that “If you thought this would be a teaching moment you missed it totally.”

I wish I could tell you this changed his attitude and he stopped doing the out of control bursts of foul mouth tirades. It didn’t. Just too much of a habit to break I guess. Most of the employees tolerate it and the ones that couldn’t left. All with a lower opinion of him. How different things could be with a little self constraint and professionalism.

“A manager with a foul mouth intimidates employees rather than inspires them. He or she also sets a bad example and jeopardizes the respect and admiration he needs for a loyal work force. His behavior shows a lack of character and emotional control, qualities employees expect from an employer”. – James V. O’Connor, President of the Cuss Control Academy

Legalities with Profanity

We need to be careful… “If a clear connection can be made between hostile language and the perceived motives of a harasser against a category of person(s) that are protected by law” there could be some legal ramifications as well.

Profanity in Social Media and other Virtual Venues

Is this really any different? You never know who is actually reading your status update or comment. A customer, a potential customer, a manager, and/or employee could be on the receiving end. Again a possible loss of respect and admiration.

I was on Facebook the other day and one of my long-time business connections shared a status from someone obviously lacking any reasonable vocabulary. Within the 10 paragraphs of trying to prove how ignorant a specific earlier comment was they interjected the f word at least as many times as paragraphs. Not only did it not “motivate” me but now I had to question my business contact connectivity going forward.

So how can we make changes to our behavior and mindset on using foul language?

Ten Tips for Taming Your Tongue

1. Recognize that swearing does damage.
2. Start by eliminating casual swearing.
3. Think positively.
4. Practice being patient.
5. Cope, don’t cuss.
6. Stop complaining.
7. Use alternative words.
8. Make your point politely.
9. Think of what you should have said.
10. Work at it.

Resource: Cuss Control Academy

As anyone that has worked with me knows this has been a pet peeve of mine for some time. I just don’t believe it is necessary to curse in a professional environment. I also have zero tolerance for cursing in any social media discourses. In my mind there should be no room for the f-bomb and taking the Lords name in vain interjections. It adds nothing to the conversation that a great vocabulary couldn’t overcome.

If you find yourself using profanity to prove a point or to motivate change immediately. Make a conscience effort to increase your vocabulary and get rid of these ignorant words and phrases. Who knows what possibilities await with your new found word power.

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

11 thoughts on “Motivation through Profanity.

  1. I worked in an environment in which the CEO and senior leadership used profanity on a regular basis. In fact, they would joke when they started their meetings about how many F bombs could be dropped during the meeting. I found it very difficult in my HR Background to listen to such vulgarity and to coach employees in customer service that it was not appropriate.. I can take minimal language, but in all honesty I do not think that it is not necessary. I believe you can be passionate and get the point across without having to use such language. The difficulty in my situation was that it was almost impossible to turn around and coach customer service employees about the use of profanity when the CEO and Sr. Leadership used it on a regular basis. Their comeback was always “The CEO says it”. I prefer to not have to be subjected to it. So thankful to no longer work in the environment anymore. I know it is much more common than it was in years of past. However, I still do not like it and as a customer surely would not want to hear it from the mouths of someone that was assisting me.

  2. Ironically majority of people that I hear in the workplace dropping the F bomb are high-level corporate managers. And it’s never in the context of casual conversation but always “F that company, F those people”. So sad that people in ear shot laugh like its no big deal.!What the F bombers don’t realize is that afterwords everyone is out by the water cooler talking about how it was unprofessional and any respect for that individual is questionable.?
    God for bid you say anything and risk losing your job!

  3. The use of profanity uncovers the complete lack of ability, on the part of the profane, to get across an idea, feelings or other message without showing the world their lack of vocabulary skills. It has been especially distressing to me to see women in the workplace adapt so readily to this skill set developed so well by their male counterparts. Profanity doesn’t work as a motivational tool. It should, however, act as an indication of just how little the recipients of a profane diatribe are valued when viewed in the context of a respectful workplace. In my last position as executive director of our Air Quality Board there were only 5 employees, 2 of which were about as profane as anyone I’ve known in business. These 2 women brought the morale of the entire office down to a gutter level. They seldom used foul language around me but very often at others, including the public. The board of directors considered any attempts to correct this as near harassment of those 2 “protected class” females.

    Personal experiences aside, profanity accomplishes nothing but showing a lack of real education, class and vocabulary.

  4. Mild profanity doesn’t bother me in a professional setting if it is truly used for emphasis. But the problem is, most people that use any profanity at work use TOO much and it gets cruder and cruder.

    Why don’t we develop a vocabulary that allows for “passionate expression” without the f-bombs!? Please.

  5. Profanity is not funny, cute or cool. They say you are fluent in a language if you have a vocabulary of 5000 words. I don’t consider anyone fluent in any language if they have to use a single profane word to make a point, show frustration or feel like that is the only way to motivate someone. Learn a non-offensive way to speak your language through study and practice and you will become more fluent, intelligent in the process and relatable.

  6. Rarely used profanity can have impact. I emphasize “rarely”. Its overuse dilutes its impact and just comes across as crude and juvenile and never professional. I believe that it also reveals the nature of a person’s true character and lack of self control resulting in loss of respect, trust and loyalty.

  7. I feel that it is a matter of the situation. As you point out, certain places are just not the right place. The reality is that profanity is part of the world, we have all heard it. The intelligent person should know when it is appropriate to use it.
    Richard Benchimol
    Leads Indeed

  8. Passion can be expressed in many ways without cursing or profanity. Does this person curse at customers as well as vendors and employees? Why not? Aren’t they passionate in those situations as well? I suggest that anger may move people but won’t motivate. Take a look at the qualities of Emotional Intelligence. Quality, creative and motivated employees don’t have to work for someone who curses and uses intimidation. Treat people with respect, passion has nothing to do with these behaviors.

  9. Sharon Zwaagstra • Cursing is a tool for short-sighted, stupid, unimaginative people, those who wish to intimidate others or those have issues with anger, narcissism and self-control. To me it shows disrespect for everyone within earshot, lack of character, lack of perspective and creativity, and an overall unwillingness to deal with issues in an appropriate and well thought out manner. Unless you just hit your thumb with a hammer, I don’t want to hear it.

  10. Like it or not, it’s a status indicator. The higher up the food chain the speaker is, the greater their verbal privileges. It’s an “I don’t need to care what you think” symbol, but on the other side of the coin it’s also a form of bonding with your inside group. Top managers are acutely aware of their changing audiences (or they wouldn’t have gotten there in the first place) and adjust their language for the situation.

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