shut up

Selling – Don’t Underestimate Credibility and Expediency.

One of our existing accounts was moving to a new location and wanted advice and quotes on upgrades and/or new products. Nice. In an effort to build the right solution I asked one of our technicians to be on a call to clarify the client’s needs/usage. On the call the technician instantly starts telling them what they need. Not asking… but telling them what they need. No sales strategy or care for my previous conversations or budgets discussed. In fact, most of the products this technician was selling were way over what I had thought they could afford and would have never proposed. I am now very uncomfortable with the conversation and am starting to wish I hadn’t invited the technician. What happened next was such a surprise however. The customer agrees with the technician and asks to get a contract sent over. What?

ramp up sales

Ramp Up Sales People in Less Than Thirty Days!

You made the decision to replace or bring on new sales talent. Maybe the last hire or group of hires didn’t go so well. Your company’s financial gurus will not accept the costs of bad hires and slow ramp up sales people. You’ve been given lofty goals to attain and you have no time, or patience, for “non-starters”. This time it has to be done right. Period.


Motivation through Profanity.

Isn’t cursing by a manager, CEO, employee, or even a small business owner simply showing that they’re passionate about their work? That the use of profanity enforces needed emphasis and motivation to others? Many think so… What do you think?

Letter of Recommendation

Close More Deals – The Letter of Recommendation.

You know the scenario. 11th hour of the sales process and you’re pretty sure you’re in the lead. The email or call comes and… they ask for “3 like company, size, and type references”. You’re now officially freaking out! Immediately you send an SOS message out to everyone begging for a letter of recommendation. No one answers the call. What the… Now what?