selling services

Selling Services. It Still Takes a Call.

In an effort to market my new services business I have embraced digital marketing in a big way. Selling services using social media venues, websites, blog posts, email campaigns and more I am connecting with tens of thousands regularly. I have made some tremendous progress with these endeavors. I have also come to realize that it still takes a call (or two or three) to make a sale. Why is that?

Selling services and traditional marketing.

I was in a round table discussion recently with some new fledgling small businesses. One in particular got my attention. He had made some brochures and had left them in various locations throughout the city. He also had a list that he sent them to. “Loads of effort and expense with no success”, “the phone was not ringing”, he explained. I asked him if he had followed up with phone calls to these recipients. The look he gave me, you would of thought I had struck his first born. Then I told him you most likely will have to call them a couple of times.

You could tell he was at a loss on doing this. Not wanting to and not knowing how to. The not knowing how to I am helping him with. How many of us do the very same thing?

Selling services and digital marketing.

When I receive an online lead, go to an event or trade show, or any other way finding a potential prospect, I am tempted to only write an email with my sales pitch and material (attachments) to see what happens. Trying this, regardless of how phenomenal my email is, the end result is typically nothing happens. When I make a follow up call… now that’s a different story.

I have gone to great lengths to automate and inspire sales online. I have an online interview process for web design for example. You can view invoices and sign agreements online. My web pages describing what you get are pretty thorough. My emails are detailed and easy to read through. With all that a call is always still needed.

You see, people want to talk with a person at some point in the sales process. They also don’t read what you present them. At least most of it. Brutal, I know, but the truth. Do you? I don’t.

Selling services and social media connections.

I currently have around thirty thousand connections on LinkedIn. I connect with different groups within. One group in particular I had reached out to through internal mail in an effort to stir up business. Explaining what I was now doing and asking if they or someone they knew needed my services I got nowhere. Lots of thanks for the update and good lucks.

When I started calling them that changed, however. Face to face meetings are now scheduled and opportunities are being realized.

It’s so easy to nicely blow off an email no matter how well they know the emailer. But when a call is made, not so easy. Also, when talking to them on the phone I have their full attention on the subject matter. They also can hear my excitement about my new venture and opportunity. They start to dream with me. Pretty cool stuff.

No matter how much we want to distance ourselves through digital venues they are not total replacements for one on one contact. Note: Just to be clear, I believe digital marketing is critical to succeed in today’s marketplace. It’s definitely the best way to get your word out! It’s just not the only piece to the sales puzzle. People want to interface with people. Even if they say that isn’t true. Do yourself a favor and make those calls along with all your digital marketing endeavors.

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

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