Sales Process Gone Wrong.

I went to get my car washed the other day after a long holiday trip. Pulling up to this large full service auto wash center I was presented with some options on a billboard overhead. As I was looking at the choices offered, a young man walked up and asked what could he do for me. I said I needed a car wash which he then did an assumptive close of the highest priced choice. Ok a little irritating but I get asking for the gold. After explaining that the lowest priced option would be fine he became noticeably irritated. Then the sales process battle began.


6 Key Ingredients for Leadership. Do You Have the Right Stuff?

The last time I searched and interviewed for a leadership job I had an interesting experience. In one particular instance the interviews had gone well with the hiring manager hinting to me that it was mine. “When you come aboard Chris, we will need to…“. My inside sources were telling me I had nailed the job as well. At the 11th hour, however, everything went silent. After pushing for information I received the “dear John” letter that I had not received the position. How could this happen?