job hunting tips

Top 14 Successful Sales Job Hunting Tips.

Life is chaos at the best of times. Issues like employment, money, relationships, illness and/or tragedy can put anyone’s life into a tailspin. Yet the bills keep coming in. Your responsibilities don’t stop. Lack of employment being an issue for me. I needed some job hunting tips.

Losing my job some years ago I found myself with limited career options, in the “older” applicant world as well. I was an emotional wreck. Bills were piling high and some major loss of pride. Times I can’t look back at and laugh about unfortunately. I needed to do something positive in a very non-positive time of my life. It was time to get a job.

I worked all day, every day, trying to find employment.

I literally had a stack of turn down cards/letters and emails from HR departments all over the state, and some out of state. Each time calling them and asking why I wasn’t chosen. I would study resume strategies, cover letters, and practice answering interview questions making changes as necessary. I networked with everyone I knew. I stayed the course and stayed focused even after six months of no success. I did finally get an interview and a job which turned into a great career.

Get the latest Sales Manager job opportunities here. Simple and easy.

What did I learn from all this? Time to disclose my job hunting tips.

Staying focused is a key ingredient to success in any endeavor. Not with blinders on however. I had to make a lot of adjustments to finally be successful. But the end game was always in my mind. So many times there were other “pressing” issues to distract me from my goal. Having faith in myself was critical. I made a conscience decision to change my life and to succeed. I could have given up. Blamed everyone else for my problems. Many do that very thing. I couldn’t live with that. In the midst of turmoil I knew I wanted more. Other than the typical job boards, recruiters and head-hunters… Here are some items that helped me get my career moving again and in the right direction.

14 Successful Sales Job Hunting Tips

1.) Don’t mistake unemployment for a vacation. Time will get away from you quicker than you can imagine.
2.) Get your resume in order. Make sure it represents the career path you’re looking for. You may need a couple.
3.) Cover Letter: Add a suggestion of something you could do to help with their company. Put some focused effort into it.
4.) Practice talking about yourself with everyone. Read some possible interview questions and their answers.
5.) A completed Linkedin Profile with a professional picture is a must. It’s your resume on steroids.
6.) Network, network, network… Sow seeds everywhere. Swallow your pride and ask for help.
7.) Network inside the company you’re looking at. Always try to have someone inside the company working for you if possible.
8.) Learn about the company you’re applying to so you don’t look unprepared.
9.) Learn about the company’s competitors. Powerful interview information.
10.) Re-invent yourself, no matter what age you are, to show you are on top of the new directions in your career verticals. Professional social media and blogging can help here.
11.) Dress appropriately for the company and position interested in anytime you’re in front of them.
12.) Be on time for the interview, don’t be negative about past employers, and have a couple of questions for the interviewer.
13.) Send a thank you note whether you received the job or not. If not call and ask why not.
14.) Take control of your career: Focus on what you want from a career and not just trying to get any position.

Bottom line… Don’t give up.

Work each day towards a specific goal. Stay focused no matter how unfocused your situation and surroundings are.  You will get that job!

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

5 thoughts on “Top 14 Successful Sales Job Hunting Tips.

  1. Chris,

    I like what you said in your article. Your opening statements don't sound to unfamiliar to me. Last month I was rear-ended by a garbage truck and my wife has undergone surgery. We've been trying to recover physically and look for work at the same time. It's been a tough haul, but we are hoping for a full recovery soon and the right employment as well.

  2. Thanks for this article. I just got terminated again and need your advice! Making my way through your other articles…

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