Why. It’s Overused and Irritating. Overcome Objections.

All through my sales career I was taught, and I have taught, to use the infamous “why” tactic. I am sure you have done the same. The potential customer poses an objection and you ask why. “Why do you say that?”, “Why would that be?” and so on. Simple and an easy way to overcome objections. It is also very irritating.

It’s like your toddler asking why. At first cute, but quickly becomes not so cute. When immediately barraged with brainless repetitive why’s, I’m bugged. I might not show it but I promise you, I am bugged. I’m bugged because the delivery is mindless and, quite honestly, you really haven’t earned the right to get answers, yet.

Three stages of earning the right to question.

“Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.” -Samuel Johnson

First stage: I need to know you have my best interests in mind. Walking into an initial meeting, chest puffed out, spewing company propoganda and telling me what I need will get objections immediately, every time. Coming back with a barrage of defensive why this and why that’s not only adds fuel to the fire but tells me you don’t have my best interest in mind. That the only purpose of meeting with me is to get money out of my pocket as suspected.

To show you have my best interest in mind you need to slow down. You need to understand why I offered to meet with you in the first place. What my perceptions and desires are. Not yours. Put me at ease that you are there for me not just your commission.

Second stage: I need to know you really understand my business. Do your homework before the initial visit. I would liken this to getting prepared for your first interview. A smart interviewee understands the company’s mission, culture and goals interviewing for. They need to understand the position (need) to be filled by the interviewer. At least at a 100 foot view.

Understanding a business takes only a few minutes with the internet at your disposal. Don’t just go to their website for information but do some real research. Check out how people like working for them, customer complaints, and how and what they are advertising. Also research who their competition is.

Third stage: I need to know you are credible. Having references and examples of how you helped similar businesses is crucial. Name dropping is appropriate. It needs to be presented in a limited fashion upfront. You can expound on it later.

To challenge any objection prior to this with canned why’s is a waste of time. It’s irritating and a terrible first impression.

Alternative to why. Overcome Objections.

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” -Moliere

When an objection is brought up always acknowledge the question/objection and either offer an answer or offer to research and get back to them. Many times there is more to the objection than meets the eye. By acknowledging the question/objection you will get this information. A “let me make sure I understand what you’re saying” is much more professional and less in their face than “Why do you say that”.

By learning different, professional, sales tactics you can take your sales career to a greater level. Stop the mindless “why’s” and become a trusted consultant interested in what’s best for the company presenting to. That’s how long-term relationships are built.

Chris has over 15 year’s Sales Management experience including Business Ownership, Product Management and Web Design/Marketing. He’s a national sales team strategist and trainer. He’s a nationally syndicated author with his articles on SalesBlog! rated as a “top must-read” on consultative selling.

2 thoughts on “Why. It’s Overused and Irritating. Overcome Objections.

  1. I love your take on this. Most salespeople worship at the altar of getting validated by a customer who is, at the same time, a total stranger. Turning the tables and forcing the prospect to respond to you is massively powerful. The sign of a high value salesperson is one who is utterly annoyed at getting a mindless response from a prospect. Great job!

    • Matt, Thanks! I agree with your comment on many points. I especially like “worship at the altar of getting validated”. Be the pro and you will get validated. Thanks again.

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