Is Company Loyalty Dead?

Watching a movie with my son the other night the main character announced that his company had “never fired anyone”. He went on to explain that “because of this they had loyal hard workers as they were secure in their positions and future”. While this is obvious fiction it does make one wonder. Where does company loyalty really come from?


DIY Sales Education.

DIY sales education is something that I believe eludes many new sales people and even some seasoned sales “pros”. They just don’t see themselves proactively self-learning. It’s hard for them to fathom that there is a certain amount of responsibility on their part to self-educate for success.

Why. It’s Overused and Irritating. Overcome Objections.

All through my sales career I was taught, and I have taught, to use the infamous “why” tactic. I am sure you have done the same. The potential customer poses an objection and you ask why. “Why do you say that?”, “Why would that be?” and so on. Simple and an easy way to overcome objections. It is also very irritating.

Constant connectivity

Constant Connectivity – When’s My Time?

We live in a 24 hour connected society with lines between “my time” and “company time” becoming more and more blurred. Millennials, and soon Re-gens, are accepting constant connectivity as the norm for the most part. They don’t seem to feel the need to disconnect. This goes for business and personal connectivity equally. Unfortunately that is the rub for most businesses. They want constant connectivity for business but not so much for personal.