Do You Know How to Fire Someone? Really?

Do You Know How to Fire Someone? Really?

One of my top sales people had been missing for a couple of days and hadn’t called in sick. I called his home and cell with no luck. Around the third day his dad called and wanted to talk to me. This was kind of odd but I accepted and we met. He told me his son had prostate cancer and didn’t want anyone to know. Of course I was concerned and advised him to have his son take all the time off needed just keep in touch periodically. He agreed. Unfortunately, about two weeks later, I found out he was working for our competition. Maybe it was time to fire someone?

holistic approach

Holistic Approach to Technology Sales.

You’ve probably been in the same demonstrations I have where the presenter shows product after product with no apparent goal or target. Sometimes these presentations even get disguised as a “design session”. It’s like they’re telling themselves “If I throw enough information their way they’ll buy something, anything!” A better approach is needed… a simple holistic approach.

sales storytelling

The Art of Sales Storytelling.

As anyone that has ever worked with me knows I almost always interject a story in the process of closing a deal. It’s just how my noggin works. It’s how I roll. I have mastered the craft of sales storytelling.