save your business

Save Your Business.

I was in a retail toy store the other day and the owner randomly asked me what I thought he could do to improve his sales. He is leasing a nice store front in a small strip mall but off the beaten path. I told him that his location sucked. He looked shocked but ultimately agreed. I also told him that that’s OK. “I have successfully run plenty of retail store fronts in lousy locations.” I assumed he got a screaming deal on the lease and he had. Let’s save your business.

Meeting Participation Sucks!

While commuting this morning, I was listening to an editorial piece on the concerns about students not raising their hand during class at school. Apparently, a local school has decided to no longer have students raise their hands to offer an answer. They feel there’s an issue with only some students answering. Their solution was a simple one. Teachers will randomly choose students and ask for answers. On the surface it makes sense, I guess. Equal opportunity and all that. Unfortunately, I hate to tell them but it probably won’t work as I have experienced low meeting participation in the business world and calling on them randomly was a disaster.

internet appliance

What is Internet of Everything?

Your daily computer experience is most likely like mine. Normal email routine, some social media, and a couple of sites you visit. Truthfully for me it’s starting to become a big yawn and I suspect for you as well. That’s going to change in a big way with the Internet of Everything.

If you thought you’re connected today, just wait. Imagine a world where it isn’t just computers exchanging information, but everything. I’m talking about your auto, air conditioners, blood pressure cuffs, coffeemakers, business phones, televisions… everything! Enter Internet of things and Internet of Everything.


Fire Him? But He Just Had a Stroke!

I have experienced, first hand, employer decisions in regards to further employment with stroke victim employees… more specifically managers. What a moral dilemma it was for both sides. Employer… What if your manager had one? How would you handle their continued employment?