Letter of Recommendation

Close More Deals – The Letter of Recommendation.

You know the scenario. 11th hour of the sales process and you’re pretty sure you’re in the lead. The email or call comes and… they ask for “3 like company, size, and type references”. You’re now officially freaking out! Immediately you send an SOS message out to everyone begging for a letter of recommendation. No one answers the call. What the… Now what?

Sales Process Gone Wrong.

I went to get my car washed the other day after a long holiday trip. Pulling up to this large full service auto wash center I was presented with some options on a billboard overhead. As I was looking at the choices offered, a young man walked up and asked what could he do for me. I said I needed a car wash which he then did an assumptive close of the highest priced choice. Ok a little irritating but I get asking for the gold. After explaining that the lowest priced option would be fine he became noticeably irritated. Then the sales process battle began.

job hunting tips

Top 14 Successful Sales Job Hunting Tips.

Life is chaos at the best of times. Issues like employment, money, relationships, illness and/or tragedy can put anyone’s life into a tailspin. Yet the bills keep coming in. Your responsibilities don’t stop. Lack of employment being an issue for me. I needed some job hunting tips.

sales pay plan

You Changed My Sales Pay Plan?

You survive the multiple interview processes for a new company sales position. They choose you out of the many that applied. Pumped, you now go over the pay plan presented and like any sales professional worth their weight in salt figure how to make money using it. Good money. So you put the plan to test and you start nailing it. As a matter of fact you’re blowing away your quota and hitting major bonuses! Pat on the back and kudos are made. For a time things are awesome. Then you hear the rumor at the end of the year that there might be some changes made. And, sure enough, before the first of the new year you’re presented with a new sales pay plan change. What the heck?