selling services

Selling Services. It Still Takes a Call.

In an effort to market my new services business I have embraced digital marketing in a big way. Selling services using social media venues, websites, blog posts, email campaigns and more I am connecting with tens of thousands regularly. I have made some tremendous progress with these endeavors. I have also come to realize that it still takes a call (or two or three) to make a sale. Why is that?

sales networking

Sales Networking That Works.

I am constantly reminded that it is better to give than receive. This concept works well in so many facets of our lives. What about our business and sales practices? We all too often hold pertinent information close to the vest and not share openly. What if sharing opened doors to multiple other opportunities that we weren’t aware of? That’s where successful sales networking plays a big part.

consultative selling

Are You Consultative Selling? Really?

Consultative selling has been around for quite a while. At least as long as I have been in sales and that’s a long time. I find it a little humorous that current authors, sales gurus, and presidents of sales teams feel they are the originator of this selling style. I also find it a little odd that 70 to 80% of the sales professionals I have come in contact with don’t do it. Why is that? To understand this we need to have a basic understanding of what it is.