Sales Training and Your State of Mind

Sales Training and Your State of Mind.

Anyone that has sold for any length of time has developed comfortable sales habits. So, when a trainer or manager comes in and offers a new way to increase sales… well, they may not see the sales training value. They start into a diatribe of exception examples of why the new training idea won’t work for them. Irritating and short sighted.

Highs and Lows of Sales.

Highs and Lows of Sales.

If you’re like most sales professionals you’re a workaholic. The highs and lows of sales is ever present. While you might not be in the office all the time… you’re taking emails, text messages, answering phone calls, and/or working on your home PC around the clock. I will have at least 3 different projects going on at any one time. This is the minimum requirement to make it anymore, right? Companies don’t think in terms of an 8 to 5 employee/manager. Most managers and owners are expecting this of themselves as well. It’s a tough market and you need to put in the time. For some the cost can be high however.