holistic approach

Holistic Approach to Technology Sales.

You’ve probably been in the same demonstrations I have where the presenter shows product after product with no apparent goal or target. Sometimes these presentations even get disguised as a “design session”. It’s like they’re telling themselves “If I throw enough information their way they’ll buy something, anything!” A better approach is needed… a simple holistic approach.

sales storytelling

The Art of Sales Storytelling.

As anyone that has ever worked with me knows I almost always interject a story in the process of closing a deal. It’s just how my noggin works. It’s how I roll. I have mastered the craft of sales storytelling.

sales burnout

I got a hug! Sales Success.

At the end of our meeting a wonderful family going through a very trying time spontaneously gave me hugs for all I had done for them. Wow. They were dealing with the imminent death of their dad and husband. An emotional time to say the least. The reality of making pre-need plans had hit them hard and I helped to take this confusing burden off their plate. I have been in sales for many years and had never experienced getting a hug before. After that meeting I thought… “what could I do to make sure all my families felt the way these folks felt?”