Sales Training and Your State of Mind

Sales Training and Your State of Mind.

Anyone that has sold for any length of time has developed comfortable sales habits. So, when a trainer or manager comes in and offers a new way to increase sales… well, they may not see the sales training value. They start into a diatribe of exception examples of why the new training idea won’t work for them. Irritating and short sighted.


Lead by Example.

Connecting with my network for sales managers a recurring theme transpired. Managers of sales teams all over the country were frustrated with the reaction and response their team members were having to the economic challenges. In almost all cases their salespeople were not making any real changes – participating in new ideas and/or offerings – but were actually “hunkering down” to weather the financial storm. They had offered their groups new types of training as well as new offerings to broaden their appeal and success. Most didn’t take them up on the offer. Why? Maybe they didn’t lead by example?

What Does it Mean to be Driven?

What Does it Mean to be Driven?

What does it mean to be driven? To have drive? Is it important to sales success? Where does it come from? Can it be taught? One of the hardest challenges as a sales manager is hiring great talent. Even after multiple interviews, sales evaluation exams, and impeccable references contacted a less than hire can still happen. What makes them less than? I can sum this up in one word, Drive.