Selling Your Second Impression.
For those that are in a sales position that look like a movie star and own a superb first impression this article is not for you. For the other 99 percent, well, please read on.
For those that are in a sales position that look like a movie star and own a superb first impression this article is not for you. For the other 99 percent, well, please read on.
Have you built a website using WordPress, Wix, GoDaddy, etc. and then couldn’t figure out how to get traffic to it?
While DIY (Do it Yourself) website offerings can really help the budget it needs to be understood that this process is really only the tip of the iceberg to site success.The adage of – build a website and they will come – simply does not apply to the internet. There are just too many sites out there for that to work.
LinkedIn is a lot of different things to a lot of different users. Arguably the most powerful place to make connections with business owners, executives, decision makers, recruiters, job seekers and the like. With more than 610 million users, many of whom are executives and decision makers, it is a very powerful but congested venue for building relationships and credibility. This is where having a basic understanding of LinkedIn SEO is very useful.
I have read article after article on how cold calling is dead. There’s a wildly successful book on it. All types of supposed “sales gurus” have written articles on it. It’s their new mantra. Disappointing.