holistic approach

Holistic Approach to Technology Sales.

You’ve probably been in the same demonstrations I have where the presenter shows product after product with no apparent goal or target. Sometimes these presentations even get disguised as a “design session”. It’s like they’re telling themselves “If I throw enough information their way they’ll buy something, anything!” A better approach is needed… a simple holistic approach.

sales storytelling

The Art of Sales Storytelling.

As anyone that has ever worked with me knows I almost always interject a story in the process of closing a deal. It’s just how my noggin works. It’s how I roll. I have mastered the craft of sales storytelling.

Getting Promoted

Are You Getting Promoted?

Many times companies fill executive and management positions from outside the company and not promote from within. They are convinced that their chances of success rests with “new blood” hires. Fresh perspectives and action items are the elements they are looking for. These outside hires are not labeled with past issues and same thinking stereotyping. So much for getting promoted from within.