
What Box? The Myth of Thinking Out of the Box.

What if I told you that to be successful meant to NOT recognize a box at all. That using previous experience, yours or others, meshed with new inspired thinking brought possibilities never imagined. That wrapping your mind around concepts totally free of limitations yet inspired by previous experience and knowledge is enlightened thinking. Let me explain.


Culture, Communities, Company Evangelist.

Asking employees to become a company evangelist is at an all time high. Businesses are not only expecting this of their leaders but now they expect it from all. Everyone… from the front receptionist to the part time warehouse worker. From engineering, accounting, sales, and operations. Is that fair? Is that even possible?


Build a Powerful Executive Summary.

I’m in a meeting and we’re going through a thorough needs analysis. Taking notes frantically in my trusty Moleskine notebook, I realize my hieroglyphic scratchings would need to be presented later and hopefuly agreed upon. Focusing on the later I make sure my notes include their wants and haves and can be presented simple and easy later. Not an easy task to be sure. Once finished I walk away feeling secure in my information gathering. One problem however. I have no clue what to do with this newly gleaned information that would help me close the deal. How do I present, compel, for the most impact to win the sale? After years of trial and error this is what I found that works.